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7 Latest Pimples Remedies in Winter

Written By saifullah soomro on Wednesday 30 October 2013 | 07:42

7 Latest Pimples Remedies  in Winter

7 Latest Pimples Remedies  in Winter. We are in the starting of winter (well in most countries, anyway) and if you have pimples, you might have noticed that your pimple can worsen during the winter months. The cold winter months can be brutal to your skin, especially acne-prone skin. The combination of central heating, cold weather and harsh acne products can create a perfect storm all over your face.  Here are best 7 Latest Pimples Remedies  in Winter below.

The Effective Pimple Skin Treatment During Winter

  1. Use oil-free moisturizer. Moistening your skin is necessary. Bath with lukewarm water. Tone your face skin. Take 1 spoon honey and 2 spoon orange juice. Add 1 apple puree. Apply for 20 minutes.
  2. Reduce application of cosmetics. Well, if usage of beauty products in crucial as par your social demands, it can be said that use only those products, which contain lesser content of oil.
  3. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. This tip is good all year around, not only for the winter months. However, you might feel less thirsty in winter (because heat promotes thirst stronger), so do not forget to drink your 7-10 glasses of water per day (at least).
  4. Use only a small amount of your topical acne medications (the size a pea is sufficient for treating the entire face!)
  5. Keep hair away from the face. Be careful about not to let hair gel or oil spread on your skin. Treat your dandruff first. To remove dandruff massage your hair with warm coconut oil.. adding 2- 3 drops of lemon juice.
  6. Apply drying acne medications only three nights a week initially – with time, you will be able to apply them more frequently without causing dryness.
  7. You need a way to sweat out the toxines during the winter. This is maybe one of the most overlooked home remedy that you can employ in winter.


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